< Ferzerkerx

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Overview: Metrics are calculated for each file for every commit It’s possible to get contribution per author Each subdirectory of a file is a category It’s possible to get authors based on a keyword It’s possible to get filenames based on a keyword Contribution percentage by category. (shows a bar chart) Contribution per developer for each category. (shows a pie chart)
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Agile Metrics tools


Agile metrics tools allows you to track metrics from different sources in order to identify trends and patterns on how your team performance is affected by its environment Inspired by ‘Agile Metrics in Action’ book and https://github.com/cwhd/measurementor project Pulls data from: Jira Jenkins Github Sonarqube Manual external sources And pushes it to ElasticSearch so that it can be further analyzed in order to find patterns. Inspired by Agile Metrics in Action book and https://github.
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Lego Workstream


Overview: The slackbot helps your team to track their workstream Query metrics and find trends
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Map Event


Overview: Render a map based on a topojson file Highlight areas in a map when an event occurs matching the region name mouse over provides shows a toolip with region information
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